Some links to explore
Follow these links for the University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center information pages about resilience research with adults (here) and children (here).

Take a look at the introductory video here from Action For Happiness, a movement for positive social change bringing people together to create a happier society.

Positive Change
Here's a list of 'The Best of Positive Change Web Sites' from the Appreciative Inquiry Commons.
This website is still under construction and we will have more resources arriving here shortly. In the meantime, here’s three short videos to get started.


Here is an interview with Dr Karen Reivich, from the Penn Resilience Team, looking at ways parents can help cultivate resilience in children.


Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment. Here is his TED talk about cultivating habits of happiness.

Positive Change

Chris Johnstone, from this Centre, talks with Adrienne Campbell from Transition Town Lewes about how adventure stories can help us rise to the occasion when facing planetary issues.